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Week 12 of the 2024-2025 School Year


TCS Families,

WOW- this week FLEW by! I feel like it was just Monday!

Basketball practice has started! If you have not already downloaded the Band app, please do so. It will be how the Coaches communicate info regarding Swamp Rabbit events. 

If your child comes home wet it is because they did not let the rain stop them from having an exciting outdoor lunch....they were probably counselled against making this decision, but ultimately we abide by the old "your body, your choice" rule.

Don't forget, no school on Monday. 

Middle School Students: Please bring in 1-2 shoeboxes or similarly sized Amazon boxes for a Social Studies project.

We have a LOT to share:

1) We are starting a "Chunk your Change" fundraiser on the first Thursday of every month. Proceeds will go towards reducing the cost of our Nantahla trip. (I am still waiting for the quote from the transportation company before I ask for payment from families) I should have the Nantahla invoices ready by sometime next week. 

2)  We are starting a competition to have Student designed Hoodies available for purchase. Student designs are due on my desk by November 20th (see the attached flyer) 

3) We are still selling TCS blankets. Proceeds are going to the project: "Reopen our Stage!"

4) The PTO is working on our first annual 5k- more info to come! 

E-SPorts Update:

The Chess team is still holding their spot on the list of  Top 10 in the Eastern United States!" Smash Brothers had a big win this week and finished 47th out of 167 in the Eastern United States, which brought them close to a playoff spot!

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